I have been using Marketo for quite some time now and I feel that it's important to automate and monitor activities using Rest APIs to reduce day-to-day Marketo Operations tasks so that you can focus on the ones that matter.
Examples of some of the tasks :
Monitoring Rest APIs Usage and Errors The solution is quite simple where we just need to input Auth details and limitations both usage and errors like below along with the Email address where you want to send the alert. We can set triggers for minutes, and hours and the solution will fetch the latest data.
You can see which API is making the most calls against the Total API limit and also in case of over-limit we will get the errors.
Creating and Updating Tokens
For Example, Blog RSS Feed sends real-time Emails to the sales team - Another Example where we can leverage this is to automatically fetch an RSS feed from the blog site to send out Emails whenever there are updates to the blog. This can come in handy when you want to quickly notify the sales team without wasting any time.
I'm using TechCrunch blog feed to fetch the latest articles.
The Next Step is to update the tokens and send out Emails if we have any latest articles. You will set triggers for every 5 mins so that you don't miss out on any new article. No alt text is provided for this image
Another use case is you can give access to Google sheet to your content team without giving access to Marketo so that they can update the token values without creating a Marketo user.
Automatic Bulk Export of Activities
This one is essential as well where we can perform automatic bulk export of activities on a daily, hourly basis to monitor the health of our data. You can list out how many days you want to go back along with the activity type which you want to monitor. Additionally, it will de-duplicate the data on its own.
You will get the data added to the sheet on a regular basis which you can plug with your BI application to monitor data hygiene.